Saturday, September 8, 2007

QUESTIONS from little heart
What is God like?

I can't see you, God, so please give me a clue:
Do you look like me, and do I look like you?
Are you big or little?
Are you short or tall?
Can you really see me when I am so small?
Do you like to whisper?
Do you like to shout?
Can you sing or whistle?
I'd like to find out.
Are you strong or gentle?
Are you ever sad?
Do you have a temper like me when I'm mad?
Where do you live?
In a house in the sky?
How do I know you are somewhere nearby?
Do you love me always, or just when I'm good?
I don't always do things the way that I should.
I have lots of questions to ask you like these.
I wonder if maybe you'll answer them, please?
You're looking for answers?
Then here's what to do:
Just turn to the Bible to find what is true,
And listen to everything I say to you.
You won't find a picture of me in a book.
There isn't one person who knows how I look.
But don't be upset that you can't see my face.
You can look at my work in this beautiful place!
I've been alive since before time began;
I made the whole world by my very own plan.
I'm as tall as the heavens;
I'm as wide as the sea.
But even your hairs are all counted by me.
My voice can be gentle and silent and still,
And also like thunder that roars through the hills.
I sing with the waves and the whistling breeze,
And joining my song are the hills and the trees.
I'm strong as a fortress,
a rock,
and a shield,
But as gentle as rain falling softly on fields.
When you are unhappy that makes me feel sad.
I'm filled with great joy when I make your heart glad.
My anger comes slowly and fades like the night.
There's no darkness in me, just goodness and light.
I lived in the world and in heaven above.
I live in the hearts of my people who love.
For I AM the maker of heaven and earth.
I spoke, and my word brought all life into birth.
I AM like a mother who comforts your fears
And tenderly wipes away all of your tears.
I AM like a father who wants to provide,
To care for your needs and to stay by your side.
I AM the good shepherd, who cares for each lamb.
I AM the Almighty,
I'll love you forever, whatever you do,
For nothing can separate my love from you.
I've loved everything that I made from the start.
My world and my people I hold in my heart.